[Error] responds_to_parent not respond rjs action

Hi, (first of all, I have English as second language. I'm sorry for any mistake.)

So, I'm getting used to RoR but there are quite things that I can't do.

I'm having a problem whit responds_to_parent. All the action works ok, data goes to the db, but the screen don't change.


controller /**********************************************************************************************   def create     if param_posted?(:attachment)       if params[:employee] and params[:address]       @attachment = Attachment.new(params[:attachment])       @address = Address.new(params[:address])       @employee = Employee.new(params[:employee])       if @attachment.save         if @address.save           @employee.address_id = @address.id           @employee.attachment_id = @attachment.id           if @employee.save             #@employee.login!(session) !@#$%^&*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*&^%$# o que é isso... mudar!             flash[:notice] = "Empregado cadastrado"             responds_to_parent do                     render :update do |page|                        page[:history_area].replace show_histories(@employee.id,ApplicationHelper::Employee_type)                 page[:show_area].replace :partial => "/employee/show_area", :object => @employee                 if session[:employee_list_style] == "list"                     page[:employee_list_area].replace :partial => "/employee/employee_list"                 else                     page[:employee_list_area].replace :partial => "/employee/employee_list_block"                 end               end             end           end         end       end     end     @employee.clear_password!   end   end ***********************************************************************************************/

view /*********************************************************************************************** <div id="show_area">   <h1>Employee#register</h1>   <%= error_messages_for "attachment_meta", "employee", "address" %>

    <% form_for :attachment, :url => {:controller => 'employee', :action => 'create'}, :html => { :multipart => true, :target => 'upload_frame'} do |form_attachment| -%>     <%# form_for :attachment, :url => {:action => 'create'}, :html => { :multipart => true } do |form_attachment| -%>     <fieldset>       <div class="">         <label for="photo">photo </label>         <%= form_attachment.file_field :uploaded_data %>       </div>

      <%#Render _employee_form.rhtm. -%>       <%= render (:partial => "employee_form") %>

      <%#Render _address.rhtm. -%>       <%= render (:partial => "/common/address") %>

      <%= submit_tag "Cadastrar", :class => "submit" %>     </filedset>   <% end -%>     <iframe id='upload_frame' name="upload_frame" style="width:1px;height:1px;border:0px" src="about:blank"></iframe> </div> ***********************************************************************************************/

Also I changed the name of the plugin folder, form svn to responds_to_parent.

The code may look strange or not too good... heheeh I'm knew on this... any help I will be thankful.

Best regards.



Someone could help here?
