error of should validate_presence_of (shoulda)

Hi all,

I am a new user of shoulda unit test and using the shoulda to test the model and I get the error as below

the error is 1) Failure: test: validation od reason should require phrase_id to be set. (ReasonTest) [/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/shoulda-2.11.3/lib/ shoulda/context.rb:324]: Expected errors to include "can't be blank" when phrase_id is set to nil, got errors: ["prescription_id ERROR_MISSING_PRESCRIPTION (nil)", "phrase_id ERROR_MISSING_PHRASE (nil)"]. Expected block to return true value.

model class Reason < ActiveRecord::Base

  validates_presence_of :prescription_id, :message => "ERROR_MISSING_PRESCRIPTION"   validates_presence_of :phrase_id, :message => "ERROR_MISSING_PHRASE"

  belongs_to :prescription   belongs_to :phrase end

context 'validation od reason' do

    should validate_presence_of :prescription_id     should validate_presence_of :phrase_id     should belong_to :prescription     should belong_to :phrase   end

plz help me ..



Hey dude,

I think the most simplist thing to do here could be use the rails helper!

validates_associated :pages, :library

shoulda should have some helper to verify the existence of a relationship

here is my tow cents


do you have other way to validate presence with message