Error in send_file

I'm trying to add a link to download a zip file. I created a controller method that makes the call to send_file:

def getzip   send_file '' end

When I navigate to this link I get a MissingFile exception. The file definitely exists (and U triple-checked paths and spelling) and the permissions are 644. I tried moving it to the /public folder and updating the getzip method to grab it from here, but I still get the same exception. Is there any configuration with rails or apache I can check? I have used send_data in other modules without any problems, so I'm scratching my head on this one.



I'm trying to add a link to download a zip file. I created a controller method that makes the call to send_file:

def getzip send_file '' end

A path like that will be relative to your current working directory (usually the same as you rails_root). Try using an absolute path/not relying on the current working directory (ie /foo/bar/ or RAILS_ROOT + '/file/zip'. File.expand_path '' should tell you exactly what path it's trying to access.


Thanks! Using expand_path '' showed it was looking for it in / public. I suspected it was looking there, but I was using '/public/' instead of just the filename.
