Error Handling on Ajax pages


I'm having a problem with displaying errors on an Ajax page. On the page users can upload images and when an image is uploaded it will be added to the list of already uploaded images using

page.insert_html :bottom, "assets", :partial => 'assets/ list_item', :object => asset

The problem is that I don't really know how to display error messages that occurred while uploading images (i.e. file to large, wrong content type)

What I did right now is insert this in my controller

      if         .......       else           format.js do           responds_to_parent do             render :update do |page|               @asset.errors.each do |e|                   page.notify :error, e[0]+" "+e[1]               end             end           end         end

page.notify will then display the error message at the top of the page.

While this is working I would think that there's gotta be a prettier way of doing this. Is there?


I'm using the: page.replace_html :some_your_error_div_id, error_messages_for(:image)