Error: did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping

I run test:


lass ProductTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

   test "product attributes not be empty" do      product =      assert product.invalid?      assert product.errors[:title].any?      assert product.errors[:description].any?      assert product.errors[:price].any?      assert product.errors[:image_url].any?


  test "price musst be positive" do     product =       title: "mybook",       description: "yyy",       image_url: "img.jpg")     product.price = -1

    assert product.invalid?     assert_equal "musst be greater than or equal to 0.01", product.errors[:price].join(';')

    product.price = 0     assert product.invalid?     assert_equal "musst be greater than or equal to 0.01", product.errors[:price].join(';')

    product.price = 1     assert product.invalid?

  end end

Show error: 1) Error: test_product_attributes_not_be_empty(ProductTest): ActiveRecord::Fixture::FormatError: a YAML error occurred parsing /home/dima/RubyOnRails/Projects/depot/test/fixtures/products.yml. Please note that YAML must be consistently indented using spaces. Tabs are not allowed. The exact error was:   Psych::SyntaxError: (<unknown>): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 3 column 1

I dont undestand what they mean?

Its my product.yml:

one:    title: MyString   description: MyText   image_url: MyString   price: 9.99

two:    title: MyString   description: MyText   image_url: MyString   price: 9.99

help please)

The clue is in the error message, which says there is a problem with line above and says that yaml must be consistently indented using spaces. It looks from your pasted text that line three two has three spaces and line three has two, so the spacing is not consistent.


I read about the mistake, but I thought that this is due to the other. Thanks)))