Errno::ENOENT after problemless start

Dear Fellow Programmers,

I have a problem, I hope you can help me: there is a site: (actually the problem is there, you can check it). Few days ago we set it on production mode. It runnin on an nginx with 3 thin clasters. Its stand up well without any problems. Two days later suddenly an error appeared:

Errno::ENOENT No such file or directory - /ror/sorsveto/ locales/en.yml Rails.root: /ror/sorsveto/

At the moment I can restart the application if I upload a file "restart" (without extension). Anyway if I restart the application the error is still there. And of course the en.yml file is there.

I don't know why is this happens and even don't know how to solve it. I've seen some solutions about this error but mostly focused on win7 setups and single gem updates.

I hope you can tell me some usefull handling.

Yours, Előd, Czakó