Encryption using blowfish

I'm working on encrypting some data using blowfish. The previous implementation was done using php as follows.

$key = 'some key'; $data = 'data to be encrypted'

$iv = pack('H*', substr($key, 0, 16));

$literak_key =", $key.$key.$key.substr($key,16),"; $cipher = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, '', 'cbc', ''); mcrypt_generic_init($cipher, $literalKey, $iv);

When i try to do the same thing using rails, i get a different encrypted key.

Also, blow fish can take only 56 byte key as its input, so i manipulated the key as how its done in php and packed it to a hex.

however am not sure how i can pass the iv

blowfish = Crypt::Blowfish.new(key) encrypted_string = blowfish.encrypt_block(plain_text)

any inputs?

Thanks Ramya