Encoding problems, applying a patch, how to???

So, i'm facing issues with encoding, since I need to write an application in portuguese-brazilian.

This is the error i'm getting: "incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT"

The curious thing is that i have a few other views with "special" characters, like Á or Ç, and all of them works. I have saved this view using the UTF-8 char encoding and also, as you can see, added the #enconding: UTF-8 comment in the top of the code. The yes_or_no method returns both words "Sim" or "Não", but that actually works, since I added the enconding comment. I recently added the word "Descrição" to the view itself, and the word "Próximo" to the will_paginate method at the bottom, and both fires the same error.

So, I found a patch over the internet wich is supposed to fix it, but i really don't know how to apply it. So, first, where do I have to place the patch file, and then, what code should I use to run the patch?

here is the view code, in case anybody can help me in another way:

<% # encoding: UTF-8


<h1>Projects</h1> <p><%= link_to "New Project", :action => "edit" %></p> <% if flash[:notice] %> <p style="color: green; font-style: italic"><%= flash[:notice] %></p> <% end %> <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1">   <tr>     <th>Name</th>   <th>Descrição</th>   <th>Ativo</th>   <th colspan="2">Acoes</th>

  </tr>   <% @projects.each do |project| %>   <tr>     <td><%= project.name %></td>   <td><%= project.description %></td>    <td><%= yes_or_no?(project.active?) %></td>   <td><%= link_to 'Editar', { :action=> :edit , :id => project.id } %></

  <td><%= link_to 'Apagar', { :action=> :delete, :id => project.id}, :confirm => "Tem certeza?" %></td>   </tr>   <% end %> </table> <%= will_paginate @projects, {:previous_label => "", :next_label => "Próximo" } %>

please, any light?

Hello, I'm having the same exact problem - I'm developing an app in french. Let me know if you figure out how to apply the patch and I'll do the same.


oh actually someone replied to my post:


I'll try the suggestion out and hopefully have some luck.