I made some progress on my rails project and would now like to visualize some data in a javascript app. I tried following instructions on how to install the package, but am now left with little to no guidance on how to actually get it running
The app in question is this:
So far, I did:
bin/importmap pin phylocanvas @phylocanvas/phylocanvas.gl
and added this to my application.js
import PhylocanvasGL from "phylocanvas"
import TreeTypes from "phylocanvas"
And that could already be wrong, not sure.
So now, well…now I am stuck How would I get that running in a view (or partial)? Let’s assume no data needs to be passed to the embedded app for now, getting the demo example (3.) to run with pre-set values would probably get me on my way.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated!
Managed to figure it out, just ignore me
Fair enough!
In the view where I wanted to include the app, I did the follwing; leaving in the controller interactions, in case this is useful to anyone^^
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@phylocanvas/phylocanvas.gl@latest/dist/bundle.min.js"></script>
<div id="phylocanvas" style="border: 1px solid lightgray">
const tree = new phylocanvas.PhylocanvasGL(
type: phylocanvas.TreeTypes.Radial,
size: { width: 1500, height: 800 },
interactive: true,
showLabels: true,
showBranchLengths: true,
showLeafLabels: true,
source: `<%= @xref_analysis_partition.cluster_analysis.tree %>;`,
styles: {
<% @xref_analysis_partition.clusters.each do |cluster| %>
<% profiles = cluster.cgmlst_profiles %>
<% if profiles.length > 1 %>
<% colour = "%06x" % (rand * 0xffffff) %>
<% else %>
<% colour = "797d7f "%>
<% end %>
<% profiles.each do |cp| %>
<% sample = cp.assembly.sample %>
<% if @recent.include?(sample) %>
<% prefix = "Neu: " %>
<% else %>
<% prefix = "" %>
<% end %>
<%= cp.assembly.sample.name %>: { fillColour: "#<%= colour %>" , label: "<%= prefix %> <%= cp.assembly.sample.name %> (<%= cluster.name %>)", fontColour: "#27ae60", shapeBorderWidth: 2, shapeBorderAlpha: 1.0 },
<% end %>
<% end %>