Editing multiple rows of data in one form

I am able to edit multiple rows of data in one form using 'object' like here: http://jgchristopher.blogspot.com/2005/09/ruby-on-rails-editing-multiple-rows-of.html

The problem appears when I want to edit old values and I want to add new values, all in the same form.

This is the field when the object exists: <input id="extra_charges_customer_4_amount" name="extra_charges_customer[4][amount]" size="5" value="234.00" type="text">

This is the blank field waiting to be filled out. <input id="extra_charges_customer__amount" name="extra_charges_customer[amount]" size="5" type="text">

These two approaches work good, separately. In the same form they don't work.

When I give the "mixed bowl" Rails dies with a server error 500 and gives this message: Conflicting types for parameter containers. Expected an instance of Hash, but found an instance of Array. This can be caused by passing Array and Hash based paramters qs=value&qs[key]=value.

It makes sense... some extra_charges_customer have indexes, some not. The solution? Should I number the new values with a magic value (say -1)? Should I have a new array for the new values, say extra_charges_customer_new ? What should be the most elegant approach in this case?