Edit the form and produced Couldn't find ResortBasic without an ID


Im using the 5 views and one controller.To edit the form and

produced Couldn’t find ResortBasic without an ID

View code


<% form_tag :action => ‘editresortbasic’,:controller=>‘Wizard’ do %>

Edit Resort Basic

Resort Name
        <%= text_field_tag :resortname %>
       <b>Resort Type</b>
       <!--%=f.collection_select(resort_basic.resorttypeid, ResortType.find(:all),id,resorttype)%-->
       <%=select("resorttype", "resorttypeid", ResortType.find(:all).collect {|p| [ p.resorttype, [p.id](http://p.id) ] })%>

       <b>Resort Class</b>
       <!--%=collection_select(:resortclassid, ResortClass.find(:all),:id,:resortclass)%-->
       <%=select("resortclass", "resortclassid", ResortClass.find(:all).collect {|p| [ p.resortclass, [p.id](http://p.id) ] })%>
Season <%=select("seasontype", "seasontypeid", Season.find(:all).collect {|p| [ p.seasontype, [p.id](http://p.id) ] })%>
Website <%= text_field_tag :website %>

        <%= submit_tag "Next",:class =>'myButton' %>

<% end %>

controller code…

def editresortbasic

@resort_basic = ResortBasic.find(params[:id])
if request.post?

@resort_basic.update_attributes(params[:resort_basic]) # flash[:notice] = ‘City was successfully updated.’

   # render :action=>'editresortcontact'


but i got the bugs

i think your params[:id] does not get set in your view. so whenever you hit the submit-button, you get that error.

maybe i'm missing something, but a debugger at the beginning of your method-body in your controller should help clearify that issue.



im using edit form and i got error

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in WizardController#editresortbasic

Couldn't find ResortBasic without an ID

controller code

Error in line:

@resort_basic =ResortBasic.find(params[:id]) if anybody know give idea

debugger the code using in view page

<%= debug(params)%>

and i got the error :

— !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess controller: wizard action: editresortbasic


You obviously don't have the :id available...

Why don't you just run your app, go to edit a resort, and view the page source generated for that first page (step 1 in your wizard?).

What does the form element on the rendered page look like? Does it mention the current resort_basic id?


Im using the 5 views and one controller.To edit the form and produced Couldn’t find ResortBasic without an ID

View code


<% form_tag :action => ‘editresortbasic’,:controller=>‘Wizard’ do %>

Edit Resort Basic

Resort Name
        <%= text_field_tag :resortname %>
       <b>Resort Type</b>
       <!--%=f.collection_select(resort_basic.resorttypeid, ResortType.find(:all),id,resorttype)%-->
       <%=select("resorttype", "resorttypeid", ResortType.find(:all).collect {|p| [ p.resorttype, [p.id](http://p.id/) ] })%>

       <b>Resort Class</b>
       <!--%=collection_select(:resortclassid, ResortClass.find(:all),:id,:resortclass)%-->
       <%=select("resortclass", "resortclassid", ResortClass.find(:all).collect {|p| [ p.resortclass, [p.id](http://p.id/) ] })%>
Season <%=select("seasontype", "seasontypeid", Season.find(:all).collect {|p| [ p.seasontype, [p.id](http://p.id/) ] })%>
Website <%= text_field_tag :website %>

        <%= submit_tag "Next",:class =>'myButton' %>

<% end %>

controller code…

If you post one and the same question several times, you could at least have a look at the responses for each post:
