If I have an association
A habtm B
and I say A.find.., :include => B
but I only want some of the B's to be loaded, the rails docs (http:// ar.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ ClassMethods.html) say:
If you do want eagerload only some members of an association it is usually more natural to :include an association which has conditions defined on it:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :approved_comments, :class_name => 'Comment', :conditions => ['approved = ?', true] end
Post.find(:all, :include => :approved_comments)
Which is fine if you know ahead of time what the conditions are. If you only know the condition at the time of the request, things get trickier. For example, if B has a user_id field, and you only want to show this user's B's.
One solution I came up with was to create a cattr_accessor in A and set it upon login, and then use that in the association, as the docs suggest.
cattr :current_user ... has_one :users_b, :class_name => 'B', :conditions => "user_id = # {current_user.id}"
This works fine, but it fails miserably when class caching is enabled (in production). And I'd much rather send user_id as a parameter, and use that param in a find.
So, is there any way to have conditional eager loading with dynamic conditions?
Note, :conditions does not work because those conditions are applied to the entire join, not just the left joined table (this is verified in the docs, same link as above).
Thanks for any help, Dino