download csv

Hi, in my application i want to develop a code where when i click on download link , csv file get downloaded to client side. so for this i put <a href="/download_template.csv" style="color:#000000"> Download the group template (requires Excel).</a>(download_template.csv is my public dir.)    code in rhtml.its working correctly for IE but in Mozilla it directly open in browser instade that it ask for pop up, how should i do it?


     send_file( 'public/download_template.csv',                 :type => 'text/csv',                 :disposition => 'attachment',                 :stream => true,                 :filename => 'download_template.csv' )

Except for :type, the other options are the defaults.


Rob Biedenharn

Rob Biedenharn wrote:

As you could determine from the documentation link (if not from the documentation itself), this is part of ActionController. It goes into an action method and takes the place of a render or redirect.

Typically, you use send_file (or send_data) when the file is not visible in the standard directory structure (i.e., not under public/) or when you want to base the response on some calculation or property of the request.


P.S. There are many who see these messages as email and not in the forum. Please do not post the same question in multiple places.

Rob Biedenharn