The first thing I notice is that you are rendering show twice:
def index show render(:action => 'show') and return end
should just be
def index show end
Joshua Muheim wrote:
The first thing I notice is that you are rendering show twice:
def index show render(:action => 'show') and return end
should just be
def index show end
Joshua Muheim wrote:
The first thing I notice is that you are rendering show twice:
def index show render(:action => 'show') and return end
should just be
def index show end
That's not quite true. Just calling show doesn't make you render the
show template (unless the show method itself calls render :action =>
This should do the job
def show
if some_authorisation_condition
... (don't call render or redirect
return true
render(:file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html", :layout
=>false, :status => 404)
return false
def index if show render :action => 'show' end end
Thats true, but he does have a render in there, and thats why I said that. On second thought, a redirect_to might be better and always render from show so that show can be called on it’s own as well.
Frederick Cheung wrote: