Joe Peck wrote the following on 03.04.2007 19:37 :
In my application controller, I have a function like this:
def is_owner_or_admin(user_id) if cur_user.role != "Admin" && != Integer(user_id) flash[:error] = "Access denied" redirect_to(:controller => :users, :action => :account) and return false end end
I call it in my users controller like so: def show is_owner_or_admin(params[:id]) @user = User.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @user flash[:error] = "User not found" redirect_to :action => :account end end
If @user ends up being nil, however, then I get a DoubleRender error. My question is, what can I put in "is_owner_or_admin" that will redirect and not complete the "show" action?
I ended with throwing a SecurityError instead of redirecting, makes it more DRY: I catch the exception and do what I want with it.
In your ApplicationController :
# 1/ save the original exception handling alias_method :rescue_action_without_security_error, :rescue_action
# 2/ handle the SecurityError case def rescue_action(exception) return rescue_action_without_security_error(exception) unless exception.is_a?(SecurityError) log_url_hacking(exception) reset_session render :file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/403.html", :status => 403 end
My personal choice has demonstrated above is to: - log the hacking attempt, - destroy the session, - render a default 403 page with the corresponding HTTP Response code.