does changing to_param() have any side effect?

In some book, it is recommended that to_param is changed to

    class Story < ActiveRecord::Base

      def to_param         "#{id}-#{name.gsub(/\W/, '-').downcase}"       end


so that the URL is

instead of

so that the URL is more search engine friendly.

So probably to_param() doesn't need to be used by other parts of Rails that changing it may have any side effect? Or maybe the only purpose is to construct a URL for linking?

Another thing is, won't it require to limit the URL size to be less than 2k in length -- will it choke IE if it is more than 2k or maybe the part more than 2k is just ignored by IE and so the URL still works. It might be better to be limited to 30 or 40 characters or something that will make the URL not exceedingly long.

Also, the `ri` doc of to_param:

           class User < ActiveRecord::Base              def to_param # overridden                name              end            end

if to_param is changed like that, then the link actually won't work, as

will work, but

will not work as the ID is missing. Are there other ways to change the to_param method?

**Update:** on second thought, maybe

won't work well if there are many webpages with similar title. but then

will work. Will it be params[:id] being "johnchan"? So then we will use

    user = User.find_by_login_name(params[:id])

to get the user. So it just depends on how we use the param on the URL.

    C:\ror>ri ActiveRecord::Base#to_param


This was a common practice a while ago but I would recommend against changing to_params. It will work but my experience has been that code gets messy as you find fringe cases. I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you look at norman's friendly_id gem. It is extremely easy to setup and all you do is drop one line of code in your model and everything works like magic.


M Daubs wrote:


This was a common practice a while ago but I would recommend against changing to_params.

Why? I can't think of a good reason.

It will work but my experience has been that code gets messy as you find fringe cases.


I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you look at norman's friendly_id gem. It is extremely easy to setup and all you do is drop one line of code in your model and everything works like magic.

GitHub - norman/friendly_id: FriendlyId is the “Swiss Army bulldozer” of slugging and permalink plugins for ActiveRecord. It allows you to create pretty URL’s and work with human-friendly strings as if they were numeric ids for ActiveRecord models.

Yeah, there are several gems like that. They look great.



The only case I come across after changing to_param is when I pass params[:id] (= "123-foo-bar") into find_by_id and forget to call to_i on it. find() by itself will do the right thing, but find_by_id won't. Not a big deal though.


I don't enjoy reinventing functionality when there's already a good gem to get the job done. Changing to_param will work but my preference is to not change it because then I have to modify all of my calls to find for every model class involved. And if I'm going to change to_param, you might as well rip out the integer ID as well so that you are SEO and human-optimized at the same time. With that comes the responsibility to ensure another unique column which might be trivial or may be a pain depending on your existing data requirements. Nothing here is a deal breaker but the way I see it it's all a lot more work than just using friendly_id. Less code to test and less code to break. That's just my preference, though. Everyone's different.