Is there any good documentation of the controller callback order for
I'm not sure whether the before_action comes before the around_action,
if it comes after, or maybe "it depends".
The Action Controller guide doesn't really answer the question.
(Colin Law)
January 29, 2015, 3:54pm
Is there any good documentation of the controller callback order for
I'm not sure whether the before_action comes before the around_action,
if it comes after, or maybe "it depends".
The Action Controller guide doesn't really answer the question.
says that they are listed in the order they will get called.
I'm sorry -- I was asking about Controller _filters_, not model
If only filters were as well documented as callbacks.
(Colin Law)
January 29, 2015, 4:18pm
> Is there any good documentation of the controller callback order for
> rails?
> I'm not sure whether the before_action comes before the around_action,
> if it comes after, or maybe "it depends".
> The Action Controller guide doesn't really answer the question.
Active Record Callbacks — Ruby on Rails Guides
says that they are listed in the order they will get called.
I'm sorry -- I was asking about Controller _filters_, not model
If only filters were as well documented as callbacks.
No need to be sorry, my error. That's what comes from not reading the question.