Do you love to submit Bug reports? I have a patch to add better HTTP OPTIONS support.

I've got a monkey patch to add support for HTTP OPTIONS.

If it tickles your fancy to create and submit patched, tested bug reports, please take this opportunity to enjoy yourself, but the barrier to entry to learn how to submit the report and create the tests is high enough that it will take more time than I'm willing to take right now to learn to how to it.

However, if you can point me to a full-blown, simple, "Hello World!", "Patching Rails for Dummies" style guide which details how to write the tests and the whole shebang, then I would be willing to do that.

Anyway, this is the message in which I pasted my monkey patch:

However, if you can point me to a full-blown, simple, "Hello World!", "Patching Rails for Dummies" style guide which details how to write the tests and the whole shebang, then I would be willing to do that.

Have a look at Contributing to Ruby on Rails — Ruby on Rails Guides
