distributing a rails application

What are the standard best practices for sharing your rails application on the web?

As far as I can tell, you just delete the logs directory and clear out the database.yml

What am I forgetting?


All the entries from my .gitignore file:

log/*.log log/searchd* tmp/* db/*.sqlite3 db/sphinx/* config/database.yml test coverage coverage/* config/*.sphinx.conf config/deploy.rb

why ignore the test dir? dont you want to share those?

I have a spec dir, not a test dir.

Little Known wrote:

What are the standard best practices for sharing your rails application on the web?

As far as I can tell, you just delete the logs directory and clear out the database.yml

What am I forgetting?

To share with other programmers, you develop out of an open version control hub such as RubyForge or GitHub (?). Don't commit your logs or database.yml, but do commit a database.yml.example with a scrubbed copy of your private database.yml.

To share with end-users, you should key your database to a Group model, which has many Staff model objects. When a Staff logs in, they only see database records in their Group. Then you can sell your app - as a service - to as many Groups as you can qualify, and each group cannot see the other groups' data.

Ryan Bigg wrote:

I have a spec dir, not a test dir.

Don't brag! (-: