displaying foreign key value


i have a has_many app. Imagine Projects <> Tasks. Creating a new tasks i can select from the dropdown the desired Project. that works. Editing the taks , which means changing the project association again via dropdown works as well. BUT and thats the question: how do i display the project name in the tska/show view?   <b>Task:</b>   <%=h @task.title %>   <b>Task-Desc:</b>   <%=h @task.desc %>   <b>Project:</b>   <%=h @Project.title %> ??? OR   <%=h render :text => Project.find_by_id(@task.project_id) %>

HOW is ths working?

thx tom

<%=h @Project.title %> ???


<%=h render :text => Project.find_by_id(@task.project_id) %>

HOW is ths working?

if in your Task model, you have

belongs_to :project

then in your view


thx, i totally oversaw the missing relations...