difference between two times


I have an object which has an expiration date. I want to calculate the amount of days, hrs and mins until the expiration time.

Does rails come with functions to do this? Also if the time has passed i want it to say 0 days 0 hrs and 0 mins.

Does anyone know a quick way to do this?

http://api.rubyonrails.com/classes/ActionView/Helpers/DateHelper.html http://stdlib.rubyonrails.org/libdoc/date/rdoc/index.html http://stdlib.rubyonrails.org/libdoc/time/rdoc/index.html

Iain Adams wrote:

deadline = Time.mktime( 2007, 8, 22, 12, 0, 0, 0 ) => Wed Aug 22 12:00:00 -0400 2007

secs = [ deadline - Time.now, 0 ].max ; \ "%dd %2d:%02d:%02d" % [ secs.to_i / 86400, (secs % 86400).to_i / 3600, *((secs % 3600).divmod(60)) ] => "0d 1:56:35"

And it sounds like you want to wrap this up in a method on that object so you can do something like:

e = Expiration.new(Time.mktime( 2007, 8, 22, 12, 0, 0, 0 )) puts e.time_remaining


Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com Rob@AgileConsultingLLC.com

Thats great. Thought they'd be something to use. Thanks