Devise or Authlogic?

Hello all,

is there any general law what you follow choose authentication system?

Are there any good article about pros/contras?




If you are new to rails go for authlogic. because device needs lots of customization .

Thanks and regards, Shyam ruby on rails developer Mobile : +91(0)86-8846-8400 Web :


If you are new to rails go for authlogic. because device needs lots of customization .

Devise gives you a heads up start, and its modular. Yes, it needs customization but any authentication solution would need that because everyone has its own set of requirements


If you are new to rails go for authlogic. because device needs lots of customization .

I'm not new to Rails and I go with a +1 to authlogic. I just tried Devise, but seemed too much for me. I love Authlogic's simplicity.

If you just need a simple authentication system you can also roll your own. Ryan Bates has a good screencast for it at #250 Authentication from Scratch - RailsCasts

... as well as Devise screencasts

Watch for them and see why Ryan suggests to use Devise

The Railscast on rolling your own authentication solution was made later than the Railscasts on Devise. Ryan made the later cast on rolling your own because he kept getting a lot of questions on Devise.

Neither, go with the external authentication omniauth gem. People don’t like to register to any web sites. They like to use their existing accounts.

Thanks for all, I'll watch all related screencasts and make decision. Do you use mixed authentication? Like Devise with Omniauth together? Thanks again, all helped a lot! Zoltan

Nice article on how to use omniauth.

That seems like a pretty sweeping statement, especially without any context as to a given site's audience.

It doesn't appear to me that omniauth offers an alternate local account authentication method, which means that if a user doesn't use any of your offered providers (or prefers not to), s/he's out of luck.

Something to consider.

Neither, go with the external authentication omniauth gem. People don’t like

to register to any web sites. They like to use their existing accounts.

That seems like a pretty sweeping statement, especially without any

context as to a given site’s audience.

It doesn’t appear to me that omniauth offers an alternate local account

authentication method, which means that if a user doesn’t use any of

your offered providers (or prefers not to), s/he’s out of luck.

Not really. The user can still click on a provider icon and signup right there. It is better to offload authentication to the main stream sites. I don’t see a reason for providing a fifth wheel :). Let’s face it. No one wants to fill out another registration form and compromise their password or worst remember yet another password.

How is "click on a provider icon and signup right there" any different, then, other than passing this off to a third party who the user may or may not perceive as "trusted", compared to your site?

I'd love to see some A/B testing on task abandonment using the two approaches, but in the absence of it I'll remain skeptical about the use of this across the board.