Hello.I have been following one month rails tutorial in which they developed a clone of Pinterest.In the tutorials,pins were created using paperclip gem.I tried to add profile avatars using paperclip gem.So i ran a migration to add an avatar to user table.I wanted the user to upload a picture on signup.I used Devise gem for authentication.So i modifed my views((signup.html.erb) and (edit.html.erb)). I added parameter sanitizers in my application_controller to modify devise controller settings.But the problem is iam getting an UnknownAtrributeError:Avatar
And in the tutorial jquery-masonry gem was used to make it look a more like pinterest.It worked at first.But now itsn’t working.
I have attached the error screenshots and this is the link of my project on github:
Please reply me.I am stuck on this error for a long time.