decrese of number of request / min


for several months my site turned around 2300 request / min (according to newrelic) But since 3-4 days it dropped down to 1300 request / min I changed nothing on my site. Maybe I 've just updated the server. The site runs pretty well (about 120ms per request) according to htop, server does not seem to be overloaded

ruby 2.1.2 4.1.1 rails nginx 1.6 unicorn 4.8.3 ElasticSearch 0.9

ubuntu 12.04 12 cores, 24 threads 64GB of RAM

did someone noticed the same problem? Does anyone know a way to debug this and find out where the problem could come from?


for several months my site turned around 2300 request / min (according to newrelic) But since 3-4 days it dropped down to 1300 request / min

So why do you think there's a technical issue? Wouldn't it be just as reasonable to assume fewer people are visiting your site?

Do you see connections to your unicorn workers being refused in the nginx logs? Do you have previous access logs to compare? Are you running anything like google analytics to provide insight into your actual traffic?

I changed nothing on my site. Maybe I 've just updated the server.

You realize those last two statements are completely contradictory? Which is it?


thanks for answer

I dont speak about number of visitors, but about number of request (mainly bots). I would love to hav 2300 visitors per minutes , even 1300 would be great. so for almost one year, I had approximately the same number of request, and suddenly it decrease a lot. Maybe as some said, it is just normal. But I just think it is weird, and I would like to investigate more, but I dont know what else to do. Im logs, everything seems to be ok (or maybe i dont look well).

I can provide more info, just dont know where to look and what could be usefull

for google analitycs, it is a bt decreasing too, but it is a bit too early to really see anything as visits changed a lot from one day to another, especially on weekend

thanks again for your help

Since you didn't bother to answer any of the questions I asked, I'll just leave it at this: if you expect 2300 requests/min, there should be that many requests in your nginx logs.

If NewRelic says you're getting 1300reqs/min and that corresponds to what's in your nginx logs, then you have no problem.

Simple math.


thanks for answer.

ok. Is there a way to count nginx requests ?

But nginx doesnt log all requests. For instance for this, Бесплатный сайт объявлений в Грузии , it makes a 400 bad request , but no log in nginx. I was searching how to deal and log 400 error, but I couldnt find

ie this means that all requests are not log with nginx