This is a smaller one, but I’ve always wondered why there are separate tasks for db:schema:load
and db:structure:load
(same for dump
). Could we combine these into a single set of tasks and load either the schema or structure based on the sql_format
I’ve had the same question. At work we use sql format. A team member uses db:schema:dump
because he finds the format easier to parse visually. If there were no format specific dump tasks he would change sql_format in the config file to dump the format he preferred. Since that change could easily be comitted I think there is value in being able to specify the desired format by command apart from configuration. Instead of separate commands, would a single task with a format option make a difference?
I think we could combine them. I can’t think of a reason off the top of my head why we need to have separate tasks (I’ve had the same question myself but never investigated)
It’s been a long time since I’ve delved into the details, but db:structure:dump
produces a .sql
file with content that is not necessarily portable, but db:schema:dump
produces a .rb
file which any ActiveRecord-supported database can use.
(I think that I’ve only ever had one project where the database-specific db:structure:dump
was useful because we used something that AR didn’t support.)
I personally prefer the SQL format as it usually contains more info and I don’t have to make the mental effort to translate to SQL but both are fine.
To be fair most of the apps I’ve ever worked on never changed DB, they usually add more data sources, but I seldom see a PostgreSQL app switching to MySQL or viceversa.
I don’t advise removing either or changing the default, just wanted to give a bit of more context
A database is the main container, it contains the data and log files, and all the schemas within it. You always back up a database, it is a discrete unit on its own. Schemas are like folders within a database, and are mainly used to group logical objects together, which leads to ease of setting permissions by schema IndigoCard Login