date null when saving model

Raymond O'Connor wrote:

Hi, I must be doing something dumb, but I can't figure this out.

The following code:

customer = => 'Ray', :date_created =>!

Always results in the error ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Date created can't be null

Yet, this code works fine: customer = => 'Ray') customer.date_created =!

Is there something I'm doing wrong that is preventing me from putting everything in the new method?

Have you excluded date_created from mass updates via attr_accessible or attr_protected? If so, the second method is the only way that currently works, however I'd like to see new_unsafe, create_unsafe, build_unsafe, attributes_unsafe=, and update_attributes_unsafe methods that bypass protection for use in internal processing.

The other alternative is some problem with your Customer.initialize code.