Date calculation down to the minute


I'm subtracting date of birth from date of death to calculate age using the following formula. (Actually, this formula is using, because date of death is in another Controller and I haven't figured out how to access it from where date of birth lives. Ideas?) Anyway, this formula works fine if the age is "years", but in the case of ages less than a year, it just returns 0. I'd like for it to return minutes, days, weeks, months, or years -- depending on the age. Ideas and suggestions always welcome!! Thank you! ~Ali

def age

    @age ||= begin       a = read_attribute(:age)         if a.nil?           m = read_attribute(:dob)           if not m.nil?             now =             now.year - dob.year - (dob.to_time.change(:year => now.year) > now ? 1 : 0)           end           else           a         end      end    end - dob.to_time == age in seconds

You can get anything else from there.

Hope that helps !