customize active record attribute display name in error message

Is there an easy way to customize the display name of the attributed used in a validation error message. For example, let's say I have an active record with the attribute :msg that is validated for presence. If is doesn't exist I don't want the user to see "msg can't be blank!" I want it to say "Message can't be blank!" Is there an easy way to do that?

Hi drewB,

You can change the "humanized" version of that symbol when it's accessed via human_attribute_name.

Try this:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

  HUMANIZED_COLUMNS = {:msg => "Message"}

  def self.human_attribute_name(attribute)     HUMANIZED_COLUMNS[attribute.to_sym] || super   end end

HTH, Richard

I responded just a bit ago, but I don't see my response, so hopefully there won't be two responses...

Essentially, Drew, you can map the column to be something else when you call "humanize" on it. Try this:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

  HUMANIZED_COLUMNS = {:msg => "Message"}

  def self.human_attribute_name(attribute)     HUMANIZED_COLUMNS[attribute.to_sym] || super   end end

HTH, Richard

Have you read the validation documentation?

All of the Rails validators support a :message option, for example look at validates_presence_of:

See where it says "message - A custom error message (default is: "can‘t be blank")." ? That means when you write

validates_presence_of :foo, :message => "Message can't be blank!"

I am aware of the :message option. What I was hoping to do is be able to use many of the default messages and just change the attribute name displayed. For example, something like:

attr_display_name :msg "Message"

I responded just a bit ago, but I don’t see my response, so hopefully there won’t be two responses…

Essentially, Drew, you can map the column to be something else when you call “humanize” on it. Try this:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

HUMANIZED_COLUMNS = {:msg => “Message”}

def self.human_attribute_name(attribute) HUMANIZED_COLUMNS[attribute.to_sym] || super end end

HTH, Richard

That is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

Hi     I was just trying this My models and relations are as company has_many users user belongs_to company

      And when saving a user a company is also saved So in user model I have validates_associated :company

         The solution works perfectly for user model attributes. But it is not working for company attributes. For example in companies table i have address_city field And as the solution suggests I add to company model below code

HUMANIZED_COLUMNS = {:address_city => "City"}

  def self.human_attribute_name(attribute)     HUMANIZED_COLUMNS[attribute.to_sym] || super   end

            But this is not working It shows Address city .But I need is City. Please help

Thanks Tom

Hi     One more thing is ,in order to show validates_associated error message than the regular message "is invalid" I am using the hack in environment.rb like

module ActiveRecord::Validations::ClassMethods   def validates_associated(*associations)       associations.each do |association|         class_eval do           validates_each(associations) do |record, associate_name, value>             associates = record.send(associate_name)             associates = [associates] unless associates.respond_to?('each')             associates.each do |associate|               if associate && !associate.valid?                 associate.errors.each do |key, value|                   record.errors.add(key, value)                 end               end             end           end         end       end   end end

I could solve the problem the following way. But I dont know whether this the right approach.Please correct if wrong

module ActiveRecord::Validations::ClassMethods   def validates_associated(*associations)       associations.each do |association|         class_eval do           validates_each(associations) do |record, associate_name, value>             associates = record.send(associate_name)             associates = [associates] unless associates.respond_to?('each')             associates.each do |associate|               if associate && !associate.valid?                 associate.errors.each do |key, value|

                    humanized_columns = {:address_city => "City",:phone_oofice => "Office Phone Number"}                     record.errors.add(key, value,{:attribute => humanized[key.to_sym] || human_attribute_name(key.to_s)})

                end               end             end           end         end       end   end end

Thanks Tom

I would just like to add that those who uses I18n can easily add these model "translations" to the localization file like so:

en:   activerecord:     models:       user: "User"       company: "Company"     attributes:       user:         login: "Username"         password. "Password"       company:         name: "Company name"

I prefer this method over having the HUMANIZED_COLUMNS in every model.

I18n can also be used to customize error messages, if you dont like the default ones (like "is invalid"). This is certanly a lot cleaner than hacking active record.

Hi Thanks for replying back.Can you please paste a good link explains how to do this?


You mean how to use I18n? Ryan Bates has a screen cast on it:

And then there's the official I18n guide

Sharagoz -- wrote:

You mean how to use I18n? Ryan Bates has a screen cast on it: #138 I18n - RailsCasts And then there's the official I18n guide Rails Internationalization (I18n) API — Ruby on Rails Guides

Unfortunately, Rails' official I18N is quite cumbersome. I highly recommend fast_gettext.
