Cucumber+Capybara rails 3 issue (Don't know where exactly)

When I'm executing cucumber tests, I noticed that sometimes rails app (in test env.) getting several the same requests (GET or POST) usually around 3, and it doesn't render anything with empty HTTP status code. Have anyone met something similar to that issue?

here is some example of log file:

Started POST "/account" for at 2010-11-30 22:34:17 +0200   Processing by UsersController#update as HTML   Parameters: {"_snowman"=>":snowman_with_snow:", "user"=>{"person_attributes"=>{"first"=>"First", "last"=>"Last", "id"=>"1061"}, "email"=>"", "timezone"=>"Tbilisi", "public_profile"=>"1", "emails_delivery_period_daily_logs"=>"immediately ", "emails_delivery_period_homework"=>"immediately", "emails_delivery_period_events"=>"immediately", "emails_delivery_period_signups"=>"immediately", "emails_delivery_period_polls"=>"immediately", "emails_delivery_period_attachments"=>"i mmediately", "emails_delivery_period_advanced_signups"=>"immediately", "emails_delivery_period_private_messages"=>"immediately", "emails_delivery_period_group_messages"=>"immediately", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_confirmation"=>" [FILTERED]"}, "commit"=>"Update"}   User Load (0.9ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1061) LIMIT 1   CACHE (1.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1061) LIMIT 1   PrivateMessage Load (1.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT( FROM "private_messages" LEFT JOIN private_messages_users mu ON mu.to_id = 1061 WHERE (((mu.private_message_id = and mu.to_status = 'unread') or (priv ate_messages.user_id = 1061 and private_messages.user_status = 'unread')))   SQL (0.5ms) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_id FROM "private_messages" WHERE ("private_messages".user_id = 1061 AND (message_type = 'draft'))   SQL (0.6ms) BEGIN   Person Load (0.9ms) SELECT "people"."id", "people"."first", "people"."last", "people"."entity_id", "people"."user_id" FROM "people" WHERE ("people".user_id = 1061) LIMIT 1   UserRole Load (6.1ms) SELECT DISTINCT "user_roles".role_name FROM "user_roles" WHERE ("user_roles".user_id = 1061)   SQL (1.5ms) UPDATE "users" SET "emails_delivery_period" = '--- :daily_logs: :immediately :homework: :immediately :events: :immediately :signups: :immediately :polls: :immediately :attachments: :immediately :advanced_signups: :immediately :private_messages: :immediately :group_messages: :immediately ', "perishable_token" = 'E3B_OlDlnqjs_rzsllHC', "public_profile" = 't', "updated_at" = '2010-11-30 20:34:18.007778' WHERE ("users"."id" = 1061) [paperclip] Saving attachments.   SQL (1.9ms) COMMIT Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 56ms

Started GET "/account" for at 2010-11-30 22:34:18 +0200   Processing by UsersController#show as HTML   User Load (0.8ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1061) LIMIT 1   CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1061) LIMIT 1   PrivateMessage Load (1.1ms) SELECT DISTINCT( FROM "private_messages" LEFT JOIN private_messages_users mu ON mu.to_id = 1061 WHERE (((mu.private_message_id = and mu.to_status = 'unread') or (private_messages.user_id = 1061 and private_messages.user_status = 'unread')))   SQL (0.7ms) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_id FROM "private_messages" WHERE ("private_messages".user_id = 1061 AND (message_type = 'draft'))   User Load (1.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."login" IS NULL) LIMIT 1   CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."login" IS NULL) LIMIT 1   Notification Load (1.0ms) SELECT "notifications".* FROM "notifications" WHERE ("notifications"."user_id" = 1061) AND ("notifications"."deleted_at" IS NULL) AND ("notifications"."region" = 'top') ORDER BY type DESC, created_at DESC Rendered partials/_notifications.html.haml (12.0ms)   Person Load (0.7ms) SELECT "people"."id", "people"."first", "people"."last", "people"."entity_id", "people"."user_id" FROM "people" WHERE ("people".user_id = 1061) LIMIT 1 Rendered users/show.html.haml within layouts/application (54.8ms) Completed in 109ms

Started GET "/account" for at 2010-11-30 22:34:18 +0200   Processing by UsersController#show as HTML   User Load (0.9ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1061) LIMIT 1   CACHE (0.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1061) LIMIT 1   PrivateMessage Load (1.7ms) SELECT DISTINCT( FROM "private_messages" LEFT JOIN private_messages_users mu ON mu.to_id = 1061 WHERE (((mu.private_message_id = and mu.to_status = 'unread') or (private_messages.user_id = 1061 and private_messages.user_status = 'unread')))   SQL (2.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_id FROM "private_messages" WHERE ("private_messages".user_id = 1061 AND (message_type = 'draft'))   User Load (0.7ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."login" IS NULL) LIMIT 1   CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."login" IS NULL) LIMIT 1   Notification Load (1.4ms) SELECT "notifications".* FROM "notifications" WHERE ("notifications"."user_id" = 1061) AND ("notifications"."deleted_at" IS NULL) AND ("notifications"."region" = 'top') ORDER BY type DESC, created_at DESC Rendered partials/_notifications.html.haml (12.4ms)   Person Load (0.9ms) SELECT "people"."id", "people"."first", "people"."last", "people"."entity_id", "people"."user_id" FROM "people" WHERE ("people".user_id = 1061) LIMIT 1 Rendered users/show.html.haml within layouts/application (31.8ms) Completed in 160ms

Started GET "/account" for at 2010-11-30 22:34:18 +0200   Processing by UsersController#show as HTML   User Load (2.1ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1061) LIMIT 1   CACHE (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."id" = 1061) LIMIT 1   PrivateMessage Load (1.8ms) SELECT DISTINCT( FROM "private_messages" LEFT JOIN private_messages_users mu ON mu.to_id = 1061 WHERE (((mu.private_message_id = and mu.to_status = 'unread') or (private_messages.user_id = 1061 and private_messages.user_status = 'unread')))   SQL (1.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_id FROM "private_messages" WHERE ("private_messages".user_id = 1061 AND (message_type = 'draft'))   User Load (1.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."login" IS NULL) LIMIT 1   CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE ("users"."login" IS NULL) LIMIT 1   Notification Load (1.0ms) SELECT "notifications".* FROM "notifications" WHERE ("notifications"."user_id" = 1061) AND ("notifications"."deleted_at" IS NULL) AND ("notifications"."region" = 'top') ORDER BY type DESC, created_at DESC Rendered partials/_notifications.html.haml (12.5ms)   Person Load (1.0ms) SELECT "people"."id", "people"."first", "people"."last", "people"."entity_id", "people"."user_id" FROM "people" WHERE ("people".user_id = 1061) LIMIT 1 Rendered users/show.html.haml within layouts/application (39.0ms) Completed in 66ms

When I'm executing cucumber tests, I noticed that sometimes rails app (in test env.) getting several the same requests (GET or POST) usually around 3, and it doesn't render anything with empty HTTP status code. Have anyone met something similar to that issue?

What do your cucumber tests look like?

In this case they are pretty simple: just going to some page, checking a checkbox and pressing submit button. But I'm not sure if scenarios can be the issue here, cos I'm getting the same issue for two next cases: BASIC SCENARIO:   Scenario: User makes his profile public     Given I am logged in     And I am on my account edit page     When I check "Allow my profile to be visible to anonymous users and search engines"     And I press "Update"     Then I should be on my account page     And I should see "Account updated!"

ANOTHER SCENARIO:   Scenario: User makes his profile public     Given I am logged in     And I am on my account edit page     When I am waiting for some time     Then I should be on my account page     And I should see "Account updated!" (in this case, when step "When I am waiting for some time" is being executed I do everything the same by myself, but the issue is still present)

Any resolution here? I am running into the same issue with rail 2.3.11.

Nope, man. Still nothing… :frowning: