Csv problem; help

Hi, I am following the tutorial at

which teaches ppl how to import csv files. The problem though is that when I try to run the code rails upload the information but is not saving it into the database or making it into an object.

For what is on my console i just get 67 rows of this   e[4;35;1mSQL (0.000000)e[0m e[0mBEGINe[0m   e[4;36;1mWinery Load (0.000000)e[0m e[0;1mSELECT * FROM `wineries` WHERE (wineries.name = 'Yalumba ') LIMIT 1e[0m   e[4;35;1mSQL (0.000000)e[0m e[0mCOMMITe[0m

Any help would be apperciated thanks

It would help a lot if you would post your code and other information that may be related to this error.

The link you posted has nothing to do with a table "wineries" and it looks quite like normal csv code, so it would work if you would have used it correct...

Okay For my view I put in <% form_for :dump, :url=>{:controller=>"wineries", :action=>"csv_import"}, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| -%> <table">    <tr>      <td>       <label for="dump_file">         Select a CSV File :       </label>      </td>      <td >        <%= f.file_field :file -%>      </td>    </tr>    <tr>      <td colspan='2'>        <%= submit_tag 'Submit' -%>      </td>    </tr> </table> <% end -%>

while for my controller i have

   def csv_import      @parsed_file=CSV::Reader.parse(params[:dump][:file])      debugger      n=0      @parsed_file.each do |row|      @Winery=Winery.new      @Winery.name=row[1]      @Winery.country=row[2]      @Winery.speciality=row[3]      @Winery.history=row[4]      @Winery.created_at=row[5]      @Winery.updated_at=row[67]      @Winery.region=row[7]      if @Winery.save         n=n+1         GC.start if n%50==0      end      flash.now[:message]="CSV Import Successful, #{n} new records added to data base"    end end

When I use phpmyadmin I am able to upload the csv file but the problem with that is it doesn't create the object if I just use phpmyadmin. Thanks