CSRF Protection Bypass in Ruby on Rails - I don't get it ...

Hi all,

My team and I are finding ourselves a little in the dark about the "CSRF Protection Bypass in Ruby on Rails" vulnerability that was announced yesterday - Ruby on Rails — CSRF Protection Bypass in Ruby on Rails

1. Where is the complete Advisory? The Impact section is very unclear. Looking at the comment in the 2.3 patch mentions "Flash animations and Java applets" - does the whole thing deserve a bit more explaining?

2. Lines 40-48 in the 2.3 patch changes the CSRF protection to only allow get requests and requests with the correct form authenticity token through - is this not going to break stateless web service and ActiveResource post requests that does not maintain state on the client side? - line 228 in the 2.3 patch tests that xml requests should be validated for authenticity token. This is going to break quite a few things.

Should Rails by default (still) support authenticated stateless requests (for the sake of web services)? Or should we handle this by overriding handle_unverified_request (line 31 patch 2.3)?

What am I missing?

Thanks Siebert

1. Where is the complete Advisory? The Impact section is very unclear. Looking at the comment in the 2.3 patch mentions "Flash animations and Java applets" - does the whole thing deserve a bit more explaining?

We've been deliberately vague in the description of the exploit so as not to provide ready-made exploit kits to attack other frameworks and rails applications which haven't been upgraded. We've been contacted since by a browser vendor and a few other frameworks requesting details. I'm sure the full details of how this can be exploited are already available in some circles but for now we're not going to make that job any easier.

I don't think providing any more details here will help anyone, it affects your users and is easily exploitable.

2. Lines 40-48 in the 2.3 patch changes the CSRF protection to only allow get requests and requests with the correct form authenticity token through - is this not going to break stateless web service and ActiveResource post requests that does not maintain state on the client side? - line 228 in the 2.3 patch tests that xml requests should be validated for authenticity token. This is going to break quite a few things.

Should Rails by default (still) support authenticated stateless requests (for the sake of web services)? Or should we handle this by overriding handle_unverified_request (line 31 patch 2.3)?

What am I missing?

You don't need to override anything. The behaviour of handle_unverified_request is to reset the session, this should not in any way affect your API clients (or anything else stateless). However if you've already overridden verify_request_token in your app you'll need to remove that.

API requests will indeed cause handle_unverified_request to be called, however it won't affect them at all as they won't notice that the session cookie has 'changed' as they didn't use it in the first place.

If you have API requests which *do* rely on the session, then you're fucked as that's a CSRF request by definition.


A description of this exploit has been posted here: http://lists.webappsec.org/pipermail/websecurity_lists.webappsec.org/2011-February/007533.html

[I presume any bad guys will have seen that post, so didn't see why not to point people to it on this mailing list.]
