creating more than 1 child for an already existing parent

hi all,

         i have a parent by namr "consultancy"

I want to create more than 1 child models for analready existing consultancy which has some extra feilds

Plz help me in this regard.

Do you mean that you have Consultancy has_many :children

and you now want to change the Child model so that it has extra fields?


Hi Colin,

Yes, Consultancy has_many :children

but what i want to do is creating many childrens in the same form for an already existing consultancy.

plz help me in this regard

Hi Colin,

Yes, Consultancy has_many :children

but what i want to do is creating many childrens in the same form for an already existing consultancy.

You want to look at Nested Forms I think. The rails guide Getting Started (I presume you have worked through the guides?) gives a brief introduction to this and google will provide many links.


You can see Railscasts #73, #74, #75 which deals with the same problem. Also searching on any search engine will also help.

thanks Colin

but The children is a single model(single DB table)

and what i want to do is create multiple instance of children from a single form with validation for the child fields

but the normal new and create method doesn't provide for creating multiple innstance of a model in single form ,It just provides creating a single instance

thanks Colin

but The children is a single model(single DB table)

and what i want to do is create multiple instance of children from a single form with validation for the child fields

That is what Nested Forms do. See section 9 in the getting started guide.


Thanks a lot Colin ..........

thanks a lot colin