Creating instance of ActionMailer for testing

Hi all, I am writing an action mailer test and am trying to snatch contents of the @body hash provided for the template for testing. Specifically, my plan is to do something like:

FooMailer.class_eval do   attr_accessor :original_body   def render_message method, body     self.original_body = body     super method, body   end end

and then test that a FooMailer instance has its original_body setup correctly (together with to, from and other headers).

However, I noticed that ActionMailer::Base goes out of its way to prevent instantiating mailer objects. Why does it do that?

Thanks, Dmitry

PS I realize that usual approach is just use pattern matching for the resulting TMail body. However such method seems to strongly couple the test to the email body template (e.g. I may setup the body[:profile] but the email resulting body may only contain the, so the test has to know that the template renders just the name and change if the template changes)

Email templates change very rarely on my project, so I don’t mind the usual approach of matching the body against a few patterns. And, it’s easy to do. Anyway, here’s an example spec of a mailer on my current project:

describe Mailer, “job application submitted” do

before(:each) do @user = stub(:full_name => “Jane Roe”, :email_address => “”) @applicant = stub(:full_name => “john doe”, :user => @user) @assessment_url = “ = Mailer.create_job_application_submitted(@applicant, @assessment_url) end

it “addresses the email from the support address” do @email.from.should == [“”] end

it “addresses the email to the given user” do == [@user.email_address] end

it “sets the subject” do @email.subject.should == “#{@applicant.full_name.titleize} - Job application submitted” end

it “includes the applicant name in the body” do @email.body.should match(/#{@applicant.full_name.titleize}/) end

it “includes the applicant’s assessment link in the body” do @email.body.should match(/#{@assessment_url}/) end


Hope that helps somehow.

Also, the Rails Guides site has some content on testing mailers: .

Regards, Craig

Thanks for the reply! Your solution works, but it is pretty much same as just doing assert_matches. After some thinking I realized that I can just stub out the render_message of the ActionMailer::Base class:

context "Email body hash" do    setup do      @bar = Bar.create!      FooMailer.any_instance.stubs(:render_message).with { |template, body> @body_hash = body}.returns(:email_body)      @email = FooMailler.create_send_foo(@bar)    end

   should "contain key pair :bar => @bar" do      assert_equal @bar, @body_hash[:bar]    end end

And that seems to do the trick. I am still quite curious as to why ActionMailer::Base is so set against having instances, but at least it works.
