Creating a profile with after_create

I have a User and a Profile model, and want to use the last one for storing some settings and preferences. I think i have the relationships right (User...has_one :profile, Profile...belongs_to :user) and a user_id field in the profile_table

What i would like to do is automatically create a profile after someone registers, using... after_create :create_profile the User model and in the same file...

def create_profile   profile.create! end

this doesn't work, and self.profile.create...etc neither. What am i doing wrong here? Doesn't profile (in profile.create!) refer to the- created-user.profile?

Here's how this is handled in one of my current applications:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base    has_one :preference, :dependent => :destroy    after_create :initialize_preference


   # after create filter    def initialize_preference      (self.preference = Preference.default).save    end


class Preference < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :user

   def self.default      new(DEFAULTS)    end end

And the Preference::DEFAULTS is just a hash of attribute values. Preference.default is also used for anonymous users on the system. If you substitute "Profile" for "Preference", I think you'll get the behavior that you're looking for.


Rob Biedenharn

thanks, this seems to be working

def create_profile   (self.profile =! end

although i have the feeling this could be written in a cleaner way...?