create_table :products do |t|

At the following: Active Record Migrations — Ruby on Rails Guides

You can find:

def self.up create_table :products do |t| t.string :name t.text :description t.timestamps end

Regarding this line:

create_table :products do |t|

What is passed to the block variable "t", is it :products?

In this case, how can we read:

t.string :name



At the following:Active Record Migrations — Ruby on Rails Guides

You can find:

def self.up create_table :products do |t| t.string :name t.text :description t.timestamps end

Regarding this line:

create_table :products do |t|

What is passed to the block variable "t", is it :products?

The create_table function returns a new instance of the TableDefinition class. The |t| assigns it to the t variable.

In this case, how can we read:

t.string :name



This is calling the string() method on the instance of TableDefinition.

Basically it would be the same as doing this:

t = t.string(:name)

Learn what a block is here