Create CheckBox

Devi Rv wrote:


I want to create a checkbox the values are table field values. In my controller   @emptypes = Emptypes.find(:all) In View   <% @emptypes.each do |c| %>   #Write checkbox generating code here     <%= check_box("contacts",emptypes.types)%>   <%end%> Anyknows please suggest me how to create a checkbox (values are retrived from table).

-with Thanking&Regards devi.r

<% @emptypes = Emptypes.find(:all)%>      <% @emptypes.each do |c| %>     <%= check_box "contacts","xxxxx",{},emptypes.types %> in the place of "xxxxx" you have to mention the method name


  I wrote the folling code segment it's display the labels.   <% for emptypes in @emptypes %>   <%= check_box("types",, (@emptypes.include?(emptypes) ? {:checked => false} : {:checked => false} )) %> <%= emptypes.types %> <% end %>

Thank You for all to given suggestion.

Regards devirv