Create a nested form.


I have created a nested form and now I want to make it dynamic. I have two models, “Applications” and “Participants”. Each application may have several participants, but at least one which is the contact person. An issue that I have is that when the form is not validated it renders the participants fields twice.

  • How can I avoid that?


<h1>Ny anmälan</h1>

<%= semantic_form_for @application, :html => { :class => "form-horizontal" } do |f| %>

	<%= f.semantic_errors %>

	<%= f.inputs do %>

		<%= f.inputs :for => :participants, :name => "Kontaktperson", :class => "participants_form well" do |p| %>

			<%= p.input :name, :label => "Namn", :required => true %>

			<%= p.input :address, :label => "Adress", :required => true %>

			<%= p.input :phone, :label => "Mobiltelefon", :required => true %>

			<%= p.input :email, :label => "Epostadress", :as => :email, :required => true %>

			<%= p.input :age, :label => "Ålder" %>

			<%= p.input :has_something, :label => "Ja..." %>

			<%= p.input :special_food, :label => "Annan specialkost" %>

			<%= p.input :is_contact, :as => :hidden, :value => true %>

		<% end %>

		<%= f.inputs :class => "participants_fields" do %>

			<%= render "participant_form", :f => f %>

		<% end %>

		<%= link_to "<i class=\"icon-plus-sign\"> </i> Lägg till fler deltagare...".html_safe, "#", :class => "btn pull-right" %>

		<%= f.inputs :name => "Övrig information" do %>

			<%= f.input :extra_information, :input_html => { :class => "span4", :rows => 3 } %>

			<%= f.input :membership_paid, :label => "JA" %>

		<% end %>

	<% end %>

	<%= f.buttons do %>

		<%=	f.submit :value => "Skicka anmälan", :class => "btn btn-primary btn-large commit create" %>

	<% end %>

<% end %>

Applications Controller

def new

	@application =

	respond_to do |format|


		format.js { render :nothing }



def create

	@application =[:application])


		flash[:notice] = "Din anmälan har skickats!"

		redirect_to root_path


		flash[:error] = "Det gick inte att spara din anmälan"

		render :action => "new"



I guess that my participants gets built again when it renders the new action in the “create” method. But how can I avoid that?

is there a way to check if the participant field is already created before creating it?

Is_A and Has_A relationships. Describe the relationship between the forms

I don’t quite understand what you mean.

Do you understand my problem?

When the user enters the information into the form correctly and it validates everything works great. However, if it is not correctly filled out the “new” action will get re-rendered and displaying the form errors. The issue is that instead of showing 2 Participant “fields groups” it now displays 4, using the code above.

when your validation fails you’re calling “new” again. you should create something called “validate”

the path created does not provide desired results. Create a different path.