Couldn't find Order with ID=pending_orders

I have a Controller named Orders which has a pending_orders method which is expected to fetch some records from the database.

If i dont write a route for this method, I get the following error when i call this method.

Couldn't find Order with ID=pending_orders I am using rails 2.3.5, in the previous versions i use to get this I am not getting whether its new version requirement...

Help Appreciated.


SachinJ wrote:

I have a Controller named Orders which has a pending_orders method which is expected to fetch some records from the database.

If i dont write a route for this method, I get the following error when i call this method.

Couldn't find Order with ID=pending_orders I am using rails 2.3.5, in the previous versions i use to get this I am not getting whether its new version requirement...

It seem obvious you have a routing configuration problem, without more detail it's not easy to help you. What can be gleaned from this is that the router is confusing the action to be called with the id parameter.

It's difficult to say why, without seeing the related route(s), or at least the URL giving you the problem.

So your route table has:   map.resources :orders

But you also want /orders/pending_orders

rake routes shows:      order GET /orders/:id(.:format) {:controller=>"orders", :action=>"show"}

So when you are trying to do /orders/pending_orders, it is trying to look up the id='pending_orders'. Not what you want.

3.11.2 Adding Collection Routes

To add a collection route, use the :collection option:

map.resources :photos, :collection => { :search => :get } This will enable Rails to recognize URLs such as /photos/search using the GET HTTP verb, and route them to the search action of the Photos controller. It will also create a search_photos route helper.

So you want:   map.resources :orders, :collection => { :pending_orders => :get }

Hi Kurt, Robert, Thanks for the guidance, I will try it.

Regards, Sachin

I tried putting the routes as you mentioned, still It doesn't seems to work, let me put some more details of this problem.

The error -

The routes:

map.resources :orders map.resources :orders, :collection => { :pending_orders => :get }

If you have both of these routes defined in routes.rb, it will still fail because routes are processed in order (top-to-bottom) as the appear in the file, so the routing logic would still match the first route and produce the error; it would never attempt to match your second route.

You could switch the order of those two lines, but the second route will still match all of the other actions in your orders controller, the only difference is that it will now also match the pending_orders action. Point being, you should get rid of the "map.resources :orders" route altogether.

Best, Steve

Yes.. Steve, got it. Thanks a lot for the tips, it really helped

Thanks to Steve, Kurt and Robert for the help.

Best, Sachin

On the same thread i have another query, I have different types of order listings for which I have a different query. All the queries are separate methods thus have separate views which renders the same list partial.

As experts suggested I create following routes.

map.resources :orders, :collection => { :inprocess_orders => :get } map.resources :orders, :collection => { :unprocessed_orders => :get } map.resources :orders

It worked fine for the inprocess_orders but the unprocessed_orders again looks for a id with name 'unprocessed_orders'

I am sure there is a minor correction i need to do, but not able to make it working . Any help appreciated.

Best, Sachin

As mentioned in the previous post, the routes.rb file is processed top-down.

So you need to change that line to

map.resources :orders, :collection => { :inprocess_orders => :get, :unprocessed_orders> => :get }

Delete the other 2 lines i.e ..     map.resources :orders, :collection => { :unprocessed_orders => :get }     map.resources :orders

SachinJ wrote:

Thanks Punit,

Got it rolling...

Thanks, Sachin