Cookie based flash

I've got a Rails app in which I do not need to use sessions, with one exception: I want to use RoR flash.

Now, I much prefer to use true stateless client-server, thus avoiding the hassle of dealing with server-side session information. And I've successfully set up my application accordingly. I'm guessing there's some way to completely disable RoR sessions (though if you want to point me in the right direction, it would save me some research time :slight_smile: ).

But I do want to use flash.

It strikes me that it would be easy to implement flash using a cookie, especially since I'm only using it for limited things that I would happily put in that cookie. It also strikes me that someone else may already have written a plug-in to do this. But I can't seem to find such a thing.

Anyone know of such a beast? Or should I just go ahead and try to write one on my own?

Thanks, Joe Dzikiewicz

Joe, what if you re-enabled sessions, but used the cookie session store? There's been a lot of discussion about the merits of the cookie store, especially around security, but it sounds pretty much perfect for what you're wanting to do. Note, though, that the cookie store is on trunk.

~ j.

You are right - that is exactly what I want. Thanks for pointing it out.

Any idea when it is going to be in a production-quality release? We're not deploying for a while yet, and I would surely like to wait until this is available.

Thanks, Joe