Is there anyway to convert a string to an instance varible?
eg. Suppose I have @name defined. Is there any method that would return @name given the string "name" ?
Also, is there a similar method for local variables?
Thanks in advance, Thushan
Is there anyway to convert a string to an instance varible?
eg. Suppose I have @name defined. Is there any method that would return @name given the string "name" ?
Also, is there a similar method for local variables?
Thanks in advance, Thushan
Thushan a écrit :
Is there anyway to convert a string to an instance varible?
Yes there is. Just try instance_variable_get("@name") and you'll have the value of @name.
You should read the documentation of the Object class for more
Thanks Loïc. instance_variable_get and instance_variable_set worked for me.
What about local variables?
/ Thushan