convert between two AssociationProxies


There's a polymorphic association Person -> Adult. There's an AssociationProxy array of Adult, how to convert this proxy of Person to corresponding AssociationProxy of Adult?


Normally you operate (iterate) over one of the proxies since it's job really is to give you a collection (array) of model instances.

Can you give a more concrete example of what you're trying to accomplish?

Let me give you another example, there's a model Thing that has polymorphic association with GoodThing and BadThing. Thing also has many-to-many association with itself: Thing can have many owners and many properties among other Things.

class Relation < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :owner, :class_name => 'Thing', :foreign_key => :owner_id   belongs_to :property, :class_name => 'Thing', :foreign_key => :property_id end

class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :instance, :polymorphic => true

  has_many :relations_to, :class_name => 'Relation', :foreign_key => :owner_id   has_many :relations_from, :class_name => 'Relation', :foreign_key => :property_id

  has_many :properties, :through => :relations_to   has_many :owners, :through => :relations_from end

class GoodThing < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :thing, :as => :instance end

class BadThing < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :thing, :as => :instance end

I want to perform operation like:

new_good = << new_good

new_bad = some_thing.owners.bad_things << new_bad

some_thing.owners.find :all, :condition => {...}

or even

some_[good | bad]_thing.[owners | properties] << another_thing

I found out that there is a nice plugin has_finder:

so I can add to Thing

class Thing   has_finder :bad_things, :conditions => { :instance_type => 'BadThing' }   has_finder :good_things, :conditions => { :instance_type => 'GoodThing' } end

and write something like

some_thing.owners.bad_things << new_thing

The problem is that these AssociationProxies (Thing.bad_things, Thing.good_things) contain objects of class Thing, not BadThing or GoodThing and I need to do something like

new_good_thing = new_thing = new_thing.instance = new_good_thing

some_thing.owners << new_thing

And I wanna operate directly with an AssociationProxy of BadThing or GoodThings...

something like that)) i hope you can get what i mean


Sounds like you might have a much simpler data model if you use a polymorphic association. This will allow you to have a relationship to many other properties without regard to what class they are. The only attribute that you care about is their relationship.

class Property < AR::Base   # This is done for relationships back to this class   has_one :property_relationship, :as=>:subproperty

  has_many :property_relationships

has_many :good_properties, :through=>:property_relationships, :conditions=>{:subproperty_type=>}

has_many :bad_properties, :through=>:property_relationships, :conditions=>{:subproperty_type=>}

has_many :super_properties, :through=>:property_relationships, :conditions=>{:subproperty_type=>} end

class PropertyRelationship < AR::Base   belongs_to :property   belongs_to :subproperty, :polymorphic => true end

class GoodSubproperty < AR::Base   has_one :property_relationship, :as=>:subproperty end

class BadSubproperty << AR::Base   has_one :property_relationship, :as=>:subproperty end

i dont want to create any relationships with Property, but between two Subproperties, like some Subproperty can own many others and be owned by many others: :property -> :owner, :subproperty -> :possession

Actually what i want is to connect several models with many-to-many owner/property relationships, there should be only one model Relationship that holds all the relations, with following columns:

owner_id owner_type property_id property_type created_on etc

and i want to easy access to all owners/properties with specific type of some object:

an_instance_of_one_model.all_owners_of_this_instance_but_from_another_model << new_instance_of_that_another_model
