Confused with naming conventions...


I'm currently reading "Agile Web Development" and doing the tutorial (Depot). It says that the naming conventions are that the Controller needs to be singular (even though I found other naming conventions on the net, anybody knows the official naming conventions?) therefore I have a UserController. When I try to test the controller I get this error: NameError: uninitialized constant UsersController right here: assert_redirected_to user_path

Why does it want a UsersController? I thought singular is the way to go? Confused.

I think it is models are singular eg User model

...and controllers are plural: users controller

Are you sure you read it right?


DAZ wrote:

I think it is models are singular eg User model

...and controllers are plural: users controller

Are you sure you read it right?


On Dec 21, 5:15�pm, Heinz Strunk <>

Yep, pretty sure: "Rails assumes the class is called StoreController and that it’s in a file named store_controller.rb in the app/controllers directory."

So 100% plural?


Controller names should generally be plural in Rails 2; see .


Alright, thanks guys! A lot of editing is waiting for me now...