config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => }

Hi    In my application I have a mail sending part in which a user get mail with a link to activate his account. What I am currently doing is as a part of test I created a staging environment And in config/environments/staging.rb I write like config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "Ip_address_here" }

     It is working fine And the user get a mail with content say to click

      Now a problem I find is suppose if have to test the same application in another server in another location I have to edit the above to match the IP address of that machine And one more problem is if it is hosted in a public IP a user belong to that network get a mail like say Click http://72.x.x.x/actiavate/token to activate. But it may not work from that network. So agin I have to edit and change it    My question: Is this the standard way ?.Please advise me the correct approach to do this. Or Can I use ActionController::Request class for this

Thanks in advance Tom

Use a url. :host => "localhost:3000" or :host => ""

Dieter Lunn

Hi Dieter    Your answer, if I undersood correctly is to specify like

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "localhost:3000" }

     in enviroment. This is what I do now. But my question is how to make it dynamic. Means some thing like

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => request.host_with_port() }

      And also only at a single place to make it DRY
