conditions array results in undefined


   I'm having another small problem. I run a small query to get all the group_id's that are associated with a user. I then take that and run it in another query in order to display the relevant data/group ID the user belongs in. But when I do this, sometimes it returns an error because there's 'nomethod' in array, and other times it returns nothing. For example, this is my code...

  def list     username = 'bob'     resUser = User.find(:all, :conditions => ["username = :name", {:name => username}], :select => "group_id")

    @result_pages, @results = paginate :results, :per_page => 10, :conditions => ["group_id IN (?)", resUser]   end

In the logs, it does the first query, but for the second, it shows 'null'.   SQL (0.000314) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM results WHERE (group_id IN (NULL))

That is true and that does work. But, users can belong to multiple groups. So, for example, the table 'users' can look like this..

Username - Group_ID - Group Bob - 1 - HR Jim - 2 - OCF Tim - 1 - HR Mike - 3 - MED Bob - 3 - MED

In the results table, a 'result' would belong to a group_id. So, if 'Bob' logs in, he should be able to view MED and HR results, but not OCF. If I use the 'first' instead of 'all', then I only get the first instance, which is 'HR'. I hope that makes sense.

Thank you again for any help!