Common action for all the controllers.

maybe i'm completely confused about what you're trying to do, but application-controller says the following: # Filters added to this controller apply to all controllers in the application. # Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers.

that's right, but you didn't mention you were trying to write a plugin. in that case try to write it like this:

# my_plugin.rb: module MyPlugin   def my_action   end end

# init.rb: ActionController::Base.send :include, MyPlugin

hope i didn't forget anything.

sorry, just checked it. i gotta be like this:

  # my_plugin.rb:   module MyPlugin     def self.included(base)       base.extend(ClassMethods)     end

    module ClassMethods       def my_action         # ...       end     end   end

irb(MyOtherController):001:0> MyOtherController.methods.include? ('my_action') => true