Comment.all returns array of what?

I have a bad feeling asking this but I did not manage to find an answer myself :confused:

@comments = Comment.all @comments is an array. I can for example access comment.created_at directly, or I could do: <% @comments.each do |comment| %> <%= debug comment[“created_at”] %> <% end %>

I expected comment to be a hash, but comment.keys or comment.values fail, as well as an each_pair approach. [I was actually trying to do a debug output printing all columns and columns names]

bourne wrote in post #976264:

I have a bad feeling asking this but I did not manage to find an answer myself :confused:

@comments = Comment.all @comments is an array. I can for example access comment.created_at directly, or I could do: <% @comments.each do |comment| %>    <%= debug comment["created_at"] %> <% end %>

I expected comment to be a hash, but comment.keys or comment.values fail, as well as an each_pair approach. [I was actually trying to do a debug output printing all columns and columns names]

Is Comment an ActiveRecord subclass? If so, then its instances aren't hashes. Check out the docs for ActiveRecord::Base; the attributes method may be particularly useful.


I have a bad feeling asking this but I did not manage to find an answer myself :confused:

@comments = Comment.all @comments is an array. I can for example access comment.created_at directly, or I could do: <% @comments.each do |comment| %>

<%= debug comment[“created_at”] %> <% end %>

I tried doing what you are doing and It works. Try this in the console:

Comment.all.each { |comment| puts comment[“created_at”] }

Don’t know what debug does, but the above code works.

Thanks Marnen for the pointer to the attributes method!

For the archives: <% @comments.each do |comment| %> <% comment.attributes.each_pair do |key, value| %> <%= key %>: <%= value %>
<% end %> <% end %>

Please quote when replying.

bourne wrote in post #976269:

Thanks Marnen for the pointer to the attributes method!

For the archives: <% @comments.each do |comment| %>    <% comment.attributes.each_pair do |key, value| %>           <%= key %>: <%= value %><br />    <% end %> <% end %>

You're welcome! That looks like it will do what you want (but if you're not using Rails 3, remember to put in appropriate HTML escaping). Other possibilities: * Just use comment.attributes.inspect * Instead of looping explicitly through comments, use render :partial, :collection

Also, if you do this a lot (i.e. more than once or twice), build a helper.

Oh, and consider using Haml instead of's a lot nicer.
