
Hi     I am calling the following from the problem controller @problem=Problem.find(params[:id]) MailSendingProblem.send_mail_to_group_owner(group_id.to_i,@problem) and inside the def send_mail_to_group_owner


     Now in the view to_send_mail_to_user.rhtml I have    Number : <%= @problem.number%>    Title : <%= @problem.title%>    Urgency : <%=h ProblemUrgency.find(@problem.problem_urgency_id).name if !@problem.problem_urgency_id==nil?%>

   Priority : <%=h ProblemPriority.find(@problem.problem_priority_id).name if !@problem.problem_priority_id==nil?%>

       I have heard about collection but not yet used.What I am asking is that in the above Urgency and priority from the view the db is queried directly..So can i avoid this and pass the data as collections (I dont know I am right) from controller and access it in view so that avoid direct querying of datbase from view ? Or if I conntinue with the above is it wrong?

Thanks in advance Sijo

Given the time you;ve been posting to this list you should really have read about associations. Give problem a problem_urgency (or even just urgency) association and the lines above become things like

@problem.problem_urgency.name if @problem.problem_urgency

Not sure what collections have got to do with any of this. Fred