Mark Reginald James wrote:
dmack wrote:
> I have a table that contains currencies I support which has the
> columns:
> id,
> ch (the character to display when showing currency)
> name (the human name of the currency ...)
> This table is currently loaded with these values:
> currencies:
> Name ch
> -------- --------------
> U.S.D $
> Euro &euro
> G.B.P. £
> I created a method in my 'currency' model called 'menustr' which I use
> in collection_select to show the currency options:
> def menustr
> return ch + " " + name
> end
> I then use this in my form template:
> <td><label for="customer_def_cur_pref">Default Currency:
> </label></td>
> <td><%= collection_select("customer", :def_cur_pref, @zcurtype,
> :ch, :menustr) %></td>
> where @zcurtype is an array containing all the currencies in the
> currencies table.
> Instead of putting the pretty html version of £ and &euro in my
> pull down menu, collection_select's form is quoting them and I still
> see the "£" and "&euro" text.
Append a semicolon to the values in your table that are HTML symbols.
Thanks for the response. I have the semi-colon on the end of my values
for 'ch' in my currencies table. If I list my table using the default
scaffolding, I get what I want:
Listing currencies (sorry for the formatting)
Name Ch Menustr Actions
USD $ $; USD Show Edit Destroy
Euro ; Euro Show Edit Destroy
GBP £ £; GBP Show Edit Destroy
However, when I populate a pull-down menu using collection_select, the
symbol reverts back to either £ or &euro which doesn't look as
My controller does this:
def new
@customer =
@zcurtype= Currency.find(:all)
and the chunk in the form template does this for the pull-down:
<label for="customer_def_cur_pref">Default Currency: </label></td>
<%= collection_select("customer", :def_cur_pref, @zcurtype, :ch,
:menustr) %>
... Looking at the generated html, you can see the & ... prefixes
on the code plus the extra semi-colon I added to see if it would help

<label for="customer_def_cur_pref">Default Currency: </label>
<select id="customer_def_cur_pref" name="customer[def_cur_pref]">
<option value="$" selected="selected">$; USD</option>
<option value="&euro;">&euro;; Euro</option>
<option value="&pound;">&pound;; GBP</option>