Collection of Partials, :as Option No Good, TemplateError

I'm trying to render a collection of partials using :as. It raises an undefined local variable exception. Not sure why:

~/delivery-log/app/views/packages $ ls -1 _package.html.erb _package_list.html.erb index.html.erb

index.html.erb: <%= render :partial=>'package_list', :collection=>@packages, :as=>:package %>

_package_list.html.erb: <tr>   <td><%= package.upc %></td> </tr>

Seems simple, but it only raises the aforementioned exception:

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined local variable or method `package' for #<ActionView::Base:0xb7589ac8>) on line #2 of packages/ _package_list.html.erb: 1: <tr> 2: <td><%= package.upc %></td> 3: </tr>

Why not use :locals => ?

Sure there a workarounds, but they don't explain why :as won't work.

You're right, of course (except for locals being a workaround), and it seems like they should work the same or similar, but since :as is nearly impossible to Google for I recommend whatever workable method presents itself. That is, all other things being equal, whichever method is better documented is the stronger one. But that's just me.