Collection of Check Boxes and Labels

So I have a collection of books. I want users to be able to check which of the books they are interested in. I want the name of the book next to the check box to be clickable so that it is easy to select.

In my view I have <%= check_box_tag "books", %><%= %> inside of an iteration.

This produces HTML of: <input id="books" name="books" type="checkbox" value="306" /> Hamlet

I want to use a label and I know the "for" property in the label needs to refer to the id of the input tag. However, my id for the input tag is "books" for all books.

This has the benefit of creating a collection in params[:books] but I can't figure out how to set the label.

I looked online and found things about labels and checkboxes but nothing specific to this scenario.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.



John Honovich wrote:

So I have a collection of books. I want users to be able to check which of the books they are interested in. I want the name of the book next to the check box to be clickable so that it is easy to select.

In my view I have <%= check_box_tag "books", %><%= %> inside of an iteration.

This produces HTML of: <input id="books" name="books" type="checkbox" value="306" /> Hamlet

I want to use a label and I know the "for" property in the label needs to refer to the id of the input tag. However, my id for the input tag is "books" for all books.

This has the benefit of creating a collection in params[:books] but I can't figure out how to set the label.

Something like this should work, and also allow you to retain the checks after an invalid post:

<%= check_box_tag "books",,      params[:books] && params[:books].include?(,      :id => "book_#{}_cb" %>

Thanks, Mark! It worked. Appreciate the help.